This is for round units only don’t buy if you not sure what you need contact me first. If you’re going to work on your own unit, I recommend you replace the O-rings and seals They might still look good, but if they’ve already been used, they have already crushed from original installation. You should never reuse any of the O-rings on any of the pool bot units. Happy bidding!! This is repair kit for Maytronics dolphin Impeller motors BOTH 5500024 52ZY98 WILL NOT FIT 52ZY24-50 or any 5500026 It includes: 1 main big O-ring seal for the housing round oval units only!!! 1 gearbox track O-ring 2 impeller motor O-rings 1 led 0-ring 1 pack of Bot lube 1 pair of motor brushes 1 pair of brush Springs 2 motor bearings 2 shaft seals 1 bearing puller 2 diverter seals in this kit 1 bag desiccant COMES WITH DIRECTIONS. CHECK OUT MY STORE FOR MORE KITS AND OPTIONS!!!